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A-Level Mathematics

Online A-Level Math Course

We will help you get ahead in A-Level Mathematics.

We offer A-level math tutors who are enthusiastic about passing on their expertise to others. All of our teachers are trained and worked in the field for quite some time before being hand picked through an interview process based on their capabilities and experience levels. They not only have had their credentials verified but also have a QTS certificate that guarantees they have the skills, qualifications, and experience to teach at an advanced level.

On the schedule

The schedule for the course can be found below.

Year 12
September: Solving Quadratic Equations, Quadratic Inequalities, Straight Line Geometry, Equation of a Circle, Circles and Straight Lines, Brief Overview of: Indices and Surds, Modelling in Mechanics
October: (Cubic, Quartic and Reciprocal Graphs), Dividing Polynomials, Factor Theorem, Pascals Triangle, Binomial Expansion, Extremely Brief overview of: [Completing the square, Quadratic Graphs, Quadratic Simultaneous Equations], Constant Acceleration
November: Transforming graphs, trigonometry (Sine Rule & Cosine Rule), Area of a triangle, graphs of trig functions, trigonometric ratios, trigonometric identities, forces and motion
December: Differentiating xn. Differentiating quadratics, gradients of tangents and normal, second order derivatives, stationary points, modelling with differentiation, variable acceleration
January: Integrating xn, indefinite and definite integrals, areas under the curves, areas under the x-axis, areas between curves and lines, data collection
February: Vectors, magnitude and direction, position vectors, solving problems with vectors, using vectors to solve geometrical problems, data processing, presentation and interpretation
March: Exponential functions and modelling logarithms, laws of logarithms, solving equations using logs, probability
April: Statistical distributions and hypothesis testing, RECAP of any challenging topics
May: Revision
Year 13
September: Partial fractions (with repeated factors), modulus function, composite functions, inverse functions, transformations of and combining transformations, modulus problems, further kinematics
October: Arithmetic sequences and series, geometric sequences and series, binomial expansion, forces and motion part 1
November: Intro to secant, cosecant and cotangent, graphs of the introduction formulae, identities, inverse trig functions, addition formulae, forces and motion part 2
December: Differentiating (trig functions, exponentials, logs), chain rule, product rule, quotient rule, parametric differentiation, implicit differentiation, rates of changes, moments
January: Integrating xn, indefinite and definite integrals, areas under curves, areas under the x-axis, areas between curves and lines, data collection
February: Solving differential equations, modelling with differential equations, probability and conditional probability
March: 3D vectors, solving geometric problems with vectors, the normal distribution part 1
April: Double angle formulae, solving trig equations, acos x + bsin x
May: Revision
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