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Tutor Boost
-Knowledge is forever

Cancellation policy

You are entitled to a full refund of your course fees if you cancel the course booking 14 days before the course starts without giving any reason. Refunds and cancellations outside these circumstances, or after the cancellation period has expired, might still be considered by Tutorboost. We will reimburse you by using the same method of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise. There will be no fees associated with this reimbursement. In the event that you begin using our services during the cancellation period and/or you access course materials via our virtual learning environment, there will be no refund.

Reservations in blocks

In the event that a customer wants to cancel a block payment (such as 9 monthly sessions), these orders are not eligible for a refund. Customers who wish to book multiple sessions at once will receive significant discounts on these classes, and therefore we cannot refund them.

Information we collect and how we use it

Our privacy notice explains what you can expect from Tutor Boost when we collect personal information about you. When you request or use our services, you accept and consent to our use of your personal data as outlined in this policy.

Trust is absolutely essential for us to be able to provide you with the services you need. Transparency is important to us when it comes to the way we hold and use your data. In addition, we want to be completely transparent about the reasons for asking for the particular data that we do ask for. It is important for us to emphasize that we will only ask for information that is essential to delivering the service that you have requested.

Interested parents and students

A file containing your details is created when we receive an inquiry. You will find here your contact information, including your gender, name, address, and reason for seeking tuition. In order to introduce an appropriate tutor for your child, we will ask for their name, school attended, age and date of birth and information about their academic profile. We do this in order to perform an accurate, useful and expert tutor introduction service, or to provide you with relevant education consultancy. We also ask how you heard about us – this is so that we can thank any people who referred you and direct our advertising efficiently. We will only use the personal information we collect to process the enquiry and source an appropriate tutor. We share some of this information with the potential tutor but only the information that is necessary in order to make a successful introduction. It will be retained in a secure environment and access to it will be restricted according to the ‘need to know’ principle.

Protecting your data

All our employees are under a duty of confidentiality to protect the integrity of your data. They will not disclose any information of a confidential nature, unless required by law to do so.
We have extensive features in place to protect all personal data held. These include:

Unfortunately the transmission of data over the internet is not completely secure and although we use our best efforts to protect your data once it has been received, we cannot guarantee the security of your data while it is being transmitted, either as an email, enquiry form, phone call or other communication.

Complaints or queries

We try to meet the highest standards when collecting and using personal information. For this reason, we take any complaints we receive about this very  seriously. We encourage people to bring it to our attention if they think that our collection or use of information is unfair, misleading or inappropriate. We would also welcome any suggestions for improving our procedures. This privacy notice was drafted with brevity and clarity in mind. It does not provide exhaustive detail of all aspects of our collection and use of personal information. However, we are happy to provide any additional information or explanation needed. Any requests for this should be sent to the address at the end of this notice.

Your rights

At any time, you have the right to ask us what information we hold about you, to access and rectify this information and to erase and to restrict the processing of data we hold. You also have the right to object to any data that we hold, and the right not to be subject to automated decision-making, including profiling.

Erasure of your material

At your request, we will remove all personal data held about you, with the exception of billing information, or any other information, that we are required to keep by law, or for enhanced safeguarding purposes.

Portability of your data

We can provide basic contact information in the form of a .csv. If you would like to download your detailed profile data for use with another data controller, you can login to your account and copy and paste this information. We are unable to export complete records as we do not have the facility to do this but we can send screenshots.

Corrections to your data

You may inspect the data we hold through your client account, for which you will have a login and password. You may also call or email us to check, or change any information that we hold. We ask parents, students and tutors to take responsibility for providing us with accurate, up to date information. Under your, ‘Right to rectify’, you may contact us at any time to update this information.

Restriction of data processing

If at any point you wish us to stop processing your information, for the purposes we explained previously, you may do so by calling, emailing or writing to us.

Access to personal information

We try to be as open as possible in terms of giving people access to their personal information. Individuals can find out if we hold any personal information by making a ‘subject access request’ under the Data Protection Act 1998. If we do hold information about you we will: give you a description of it; tell you why we are holding it; tell you who it could be disclosed to; and let you have a copy of the information in an intelligible form. To make a request to us for any personal information we may hold you need to put the request in writing addressing it to our Internal Compliance Team, or writing to the address provided below. If you agree, we will try to deal with your request informally, for example by providing you with the specific information you need over the telephone. If we need to print or post documents we will do this at no charge to you. If the requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive, we may make a small charge of up to £10 for doing so. If we do hold information about you, you can ask us to correct any mistakes by, once again, contacting the Internal Compliance Team. We will provide the information you requested within 30 days. We will ask for proof of identity to ensure that we are sending your information to the correct person.

Disclosure of personal information

We will not disclose personal data without consent. However, if we are required by law to disclose information, we will do so. This privacy notice does not cover the links within our website linking to other websites. We encourage you to read the privacy statements on the other websites you visit.

Use of your data

We use some of your data to perform our legitimate interest of introducing tutors to parents. In the first instance, we never share surnames, or personal contact details. However, when both tutor and student have agreed to work together, we share all contact details, so that the parties may arrange tuition. All of our employees are trained to vet all contacts as well as possible. Tutors are all interviewed and DBS certification details are collected. Parents and students pay a registration fee and provide information about their address.

We may also use your data to allow us to provide the application service that you have requested. For example, we may share your information to use when making an application on your behalf for a school or university, or other educational place in the UK or overseas.

We might use your personal data for internal analysis to identify trends in our business, for example whether or not a particular demographic or territory makes requests for a specific kind of tutor. This data is anonymous and will not be traceable back to you.

We do not share your personal data with any external companies.

We will always make full use of your personal data to collect any debt that is owed to us or to notify you of any changes to our service that will affect you.


Occasionally we will contact you with information about educational courses or other services that we think may be of interest to you. This will usually be by email, letter or brochure. We only send these to registered clients or to individuals who have signed up to our newsletter through our website. We send newsletters only when we believe there is a legitimate interest to do so. We will always provide you with the option to opt out of these notices and we will always ask you to opt-in, or sign up to these mailings in the first instance. We will not otherwise email you with marketing information. We may use your cookies from our website to use Google Remarketing Campaigns and we may use your email address to target Facebook, or other online advertising. We will never share with or sell your information to third parties.

We may also from time to time, survey you, or ask you questions in an email. Your responses are held securely and not shared with others. We may take aggregate data (such as 89% of all clients surveyed were happy with Tutor Boost service). We may use a comment you have made about our service in our marketing material but we will never use your name, without specifically asking you if we can.

Lawful Basis to use your data

We retain data under the Legitimate Interests basis. We use your data in a way that you would reasonably expect us to use it and which has a minimal impact on your privacy. In this case, the legitimate interest is to record your personal details in order to allow us to carry out our legitimate work of introducing a tutor to a student. If we do not have the data, we will be unable to do this work because we cannot effectively match student to tutor. We also use your data to prepare billing and other account related services. We also use it to send emails about our services. We always strive to balance the collection and use of this data against your individual rights and freedoms and only ever ask for information that we legitimately need in order to do our work for you. We assess these details in a Legitimate Interests Assessment, which is available for you to see. We hold your data for as long as is reasonably necessary, unless you ask us to remove it, as you are entitled to do. If you are not happy about the way that we retain your data, you can contact the Information Control Officer (ICO).


By signing you agreement with us, you have additionally given us implicit consent to use your information in order to allow us to fulfil the terms of our agreement with you.

Data breaches

We have rigorous procedures in place to prevent data breaches. In the event of a breach that is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals, we will notify those affected directly and we will also notify the ICO.

Changes to this privacy notice

We keep our privacy notice under regular review and we will place any updates on this webpage. This privacy policy was last updated on 05th March 2022.

How to contact us or make a complaint

Requests for information about our privacy policy can be emailed to our adminstrative team ( or alternatively call us on 0208 0586269

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